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Author: MavensAdmin

How Manufacturing Software Helps Companies Grow

Manufacturing software is helping the UK economy to grow, by enabling individual companies to better manage their finances, resources and systems. From entirely paper-led and employee-heavy systems of a few decades ago, it is now possible, thanks to carefully designed software, to run a business

How Manufacturing Companies Can Improve Productivity

Employee utilisation is how efficiently a company uses its staff to be the most productive they can be. This can be determined by looking at how much time employees spend on specific assignments and tasks as a percentage of their available time on the job.

CM Precision Components Accountant Raves About ProgressPlus

CM Precision Components Ltd is a leading supplier of precision engineered components within UK and Ireland and was established after the purchase of CM Precision, a division of CM Engineering. CM Precision Components supply to automotive and aerospace industries including customers such as Terex and

What You Need to Know About an ERP Implementation

For manufacturing companies, implementing an ERP solution is a critical project that must be taken seriously. From concerns about cost and demonstrating ROI, to practical considerations about who will manage the process at your company, ERP implementation efforts require commitment by a project team and

Penta Precision Quadruple With ProgressPlus

Penta Precision has over 60 years’ precision machining and tool making experience. The UK sub-contracting manufacturer that supplies to aerospace pharmaceutical and medical sectors was in need of a robust production control system to build the blueprint for their growth. Before selecting ProgressPlus, Penta Precision

ProgressPlus Help Aerotech Take A Seat In First Class

Our customer Aerotech recently featured in an article in Production Engineering Solutions. The feature in the magazine was about how Aerotech manufactured first class seating units produced by the company for a leading international airline. Poole-based Aerotech Precision Manufacturing is rapidly becoming recognised as one

The Difference Between a MRP System and an ERP System

Many manufacturing companies mistakenly believe or are steered into the decision by companies with a vested interest that they need ERP system over an MRP system. To help make sure you never do the same, we will explain the difference between an MRP System and

What KPIs Should Manufacturing Software Measure?

If you are manufacturing business, you will be familiar with the old adage, “you can’t manage what you don’t measure.” Specifically, if you are the owner of a job shop or a contract manufacturing facility, it is important to  understand the current state of your