At Berkeley Myles Solutions, we value customer input very highly. The customer seminars give us the platform to listen to feedback which helps develop our system and enhance the user experience.
At the recent customer seminars, the software enhancement that caused the most buzz out of the 100 completed developments was the spellcheck feature.
One attendee said: “As engineers, spelling is not our forte. In particular, I have fat-fingers! So the spell check functionality reduces the risk of entering notes into ProgressPlus incorrectly.”
No matter how many times you proof-read, typos and bad phrasings have a nasty habit of slipping by unnoticed. That can mean a lot of embarrassment over the smallest mistakes. So it’s good to know there is a feature in ProgressPlus that will auto-correct your spelling. The added benefit of this feature is you can add the spelling of engineering terms or brands thatare not in the dictionary.
The feature is important as it helps reduce human error.
Have a look for yourself. Get a demo of ProgressPlus.