O’Carroll Engineering is a metal fabrications provider who manufacture components for companies such as Liebherr Cranes. Additionally, they carry out architectural metalwork specialising in feature high-end domestic stairs.
Now that O’Carroll Engineering have ProgressPlus, the management team has complete control over budgeting, jobs, materials and has instant access to reports.
Prior to the implementation of ProgressPlus, the business used a collection of different software packages for each of its departments and this lack of integration created various issues when trying to manage the entire organisation effectively. It was fundamental O’Carroll Engineering found a system that would allow each of its departments to speak to each other so management could see all job details in the one place.
“The Managing Director would get a report from the estimating sales department and get another one from production and another from accounts but there was no visibility of one against the other.”
Brian Kissane, Operations Manager considered upgrading one of their existing systems and looked into other manufacturing systems available but none of these was a suitable solution as they were limited to readymade templates. What O’Carroll Engineering got with ProgressPlus was exactly what they were looking for – a blank page software created for the manufacturing industry.
What impressed O’Carroll Engineering the most about ProgressPlus was being able to see the complete picture of a job allowing management to make prompt changes. Budgets and estimates are shown against jobs making it easy for the purchasing department to manage costs. Brian also commented on how valuable ProgressPlus’s daily reports are to his role. Reports are available instantaneously meaning they can be accessed multiple times a day to get the latest information.
“ProgressPlus definitely helps with our planning and control of budgets.”
Since implementing ProgressPlus O’Carroll Engineering has gained many benefits. The business now has increased visibility and tracking of components and anyone that passes a computer on the shop floor can access jobs, allowing greater integration as a company.
The support team was a great help to O’Carroll Engineering throughout the implementation and training stage, Brian Kissane commented,
“We didn’t need to reinvent the wheel, Berkeley Myles listened to what we were doing and they modified the system to suit allowing us to improve our processes without needing to start again from scratch.”
O’Carroll Engineering has certainly seen a good return on investment with ProgressPlus and it continues to deliver benefits to the business. Tracking and having complete visualisation over jobs has been the biggest benefit ProgressPlus has given O’Carroll Engineering and it has greatly enhanced management’s access and control.